Published writings encompass critical articles and write-ups for a variety of online publications. Examples can be found here and further online.

Dramaturgical work, including original text or so-called ‘Kunsttexte’ can be found in productions, such as Die Präsidentin for the Schauspiel Haus Magdeburg, Germany, in 2018.

Some personal writings are published here on a highly irregular basis.

 A Poem for Europe.

nationalistic tendencies
manifesting themselves
in political incompetencies

Split across European countries
Dependency far too long ignored
A possibility of being separated
In a mindset blindingly old

Dependency far too long ignored
Regions neglected
In a mindset blindingly old
Its repetition is bordering on comical

your nationality
draw lines
where none existed so far --
your own right of existence

The necessity
For duality
Was never
A possibility
As one plus one
In my family's equation
Make three.

Regions neglected sworn together in revenge
Dependency far too long ignored
Its repetition is bordering on cynical
Forging history in splintered experiences.

London, August 2019.

Proud Pride Poem.

Another year missed.
Commitments, work,
For other reasons, put off.
Next year again,
The year after that.
If a promise was made but time stopped it
Is that the same as a promise not kept?
Feels like it.
More than a celebration,
Built on a protest,
What is the celebration
When stuck in isolation?
A year filled with loss
And hopes
And movements
And moments
And moments
And moments
Not lost.
Burnt onto the brain
Memory branded
Next year
Next year
Next year
Next time.
Next time
Time. Concept lost. Meaning heightened.
Hope. Hope lost. Regained. Building.
Slipping through fingers. Hold tight.
Tight. Tight. Tight.
I'm gripping. Want to let go
Tired of holding on, hoping tomorrow will be different
Tired of fearing that letting go
Will mean nothing is left but
But don't want it slipping
All slipping
Let it go
But come back.
Coming back
Inches won, miles lost
Are you coming back?
Are we coming back?
Or moving forward?
A new normal.
Don't want Normal.
Want better. Better than better.
Want dreams and utopia.
Pride. Hold yourself proud.
I was taught that pride was arrogance.
So how to stand tall and proud
When it goes against the grain
Against everything taught learned ingrained.

Colourful, glorious pride.
And solitude.
Gratitude and solitude.
If a tree falls…
When no one is watching and you stand tall
Are you still proud? Or nothing at all?
Can you be out loud for yourself?
Out proud for yourself?
Every day is coming out.
But pride. That’s different.
You’re in the crowd.
Wherever you look there are new faces
And they’re all you. You. And them. Proud.
So. Next year then.
Louder and prouder
Because no year can be lost.

Austria, June 2020.


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